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Semin Dermatol, 1995.14:47一53 McNeilage LJ, Youngchaiyud U, Whittingham S. Racialdifferences in antinuclear antibody patterns and clinical manifesta-tions of scleroderma. Arthritis Rheum, 1989. 32:54一60 Medsger TA. Systemic sclerosis(scleroderma ),localizedforms of scleroderma, and calcinosis. In: McCarty DJ, KoopmanWJ,editors. Arthritis and Allied Conditions. Philadelphia: Lea&Febiger, 1993: 1253一1292 Metcalf JV, Mitchison HC, Palmer JM, Jones DE,Bassendine MF, James OFW. Natural history of early primarybiliary cirrhosis. Lancet, 1996. 348:1399一1402 Miller FW, Twitty SA, Biswas T, Plotz PH. Origin andregulation of a disease-specific autoantibody response. Antigenicepitopes, spectrotype stability, and isotype restriction of anti-Jo-1autoantibodies. J Clin Invest, 1990. 85:468一475 Miller FW, Waite KA, Biswas T, Plotz PH. The role of anautoantigen, histidyl-tRNA synthetase, in the induction andmaintenance of autoimmunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1990.87:9933一9937 Mimori T, Akizuki M, Yamagata H, Inada S, Yoshida S,Homma M. Characterization of a high molecular weight acidic nu-clear protein recognized by autoantibodies from patients withpolymyositis-scleroderma overlap. J Clin Invest, 1981. 68:611一620 Mimori T, Hardin JA, Steitz JA. Characterization of theDNA-binding protein antigen Ku recognized by autoantibodiesfrom patients with rheumatic disorders. J Biol Chem, 1986.261:2274一2278 Miranda-Carus ME, Askanase AD, Clancy RM, di DonatoF, Chou TM, Libera MR et al. Anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/Laautoantibodies bind the surface of apoptotic fetal cardiocytes andpromote secretion of TNF-alpha by macrophages. J Immunol,2000. 165(9) :5345一5351 Mitchison HC, Lucey MR, Kelly巧,Neuberger JM,Williams R, James OFW. Symptom development and prognosisin primary biliary cirrhosis: a study in two centers. Gastroen-terology, 1990. 99:778一784 Miyachi K, Fritzler MJ, Tan EM. Autoantibody to a nucle-ar antigen in proliferating cells. J Immunol, 1978. 121:2228一2234 Miyachi K, Tan EM. Antibodies reacting with ribosomal ri-bonucleoprotein in connective tissue diseases. Arthritis Rheum,upus erythematosus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1979. 76:5495一5499 Li JM, Horsfall AC, Maini RN. Anti-La(SS-B) but not an-ti-Ro52 (SS-A) antibodies cross-react with laminin- a role inthe pathogenesis of congenital heart block? Clin Exp Immunol,1995. 99:316一324 Litsey SE, Noonan JA, O’Connor WN, Cottrill CM,Mitchell B. Maternal connective tissue disease and congenitalheart block. N Engl J Med, 1985. 312:98一100 Locker JD, Medof ME, Bennett RM, Sukhupunyaraksa S.Characterization of DNA used to assay sera for anti-DNA antibod-ies; determination of the specificities of anti-DNA antibodies inSLE and non-SLE rheumatic disease states. J Immunol, 1977.118:694一701 Love LA, Leff RL, Fraser DD, Targoff IN, Dalakas M,Plotz PH et al. A new approach to the classification of idiopathicinflammatory myopathy: myositis-specific autoantibodies define auseful homogeneous patient group. Medicine, 1991.70:360一374 Masi AT, Rodnan GP, Medsger TA, Altman RD, D' An-gelo WA, Fries JF. Subcommittee for Scleroderma Criteria of theAmerican Rheumatism Association Diagnostic and TherapeuticCriteria Committee: Preliminary criteria for the classification ofsystemic sclerosis (scleroderma).Arthritis Rheum, 1980. 23:581一590 Maskarinec G, Katz AR. Prevalence of systemic lupus ery-thematosus in Hawaii: is there a difference between ethnicgroups? Hawaii Med J, 1995. 54(2) :406一409 Mattioli M, Reichlin M. Heterogeneity of RNA proteinantigens reactive with sera of patients with systemic lupus erythe-matosus: description of a cytoplasmic nonribosomal antigen.Arthritis Rheum, 1974. 17:421一429 Mattioli M, Reichlin M. Physical association of two nuclearantigens and mutual occurrence of their antibodies: the relation-ship of the Sm and RNA protein (Mo) systems in SLE sera. JImmunol, 1973. 110:1318一1324 McCarty DJ, Manzi S, Medsger TAJ, Ramsey-Goldman R,LaPorte RE, Kwoh CK. Incidence of systemic lupus erythemato-sus: race and gender differences. Arthritis Rheum, 1995. 38:1260一1270 McCauliffe DP, Wang L, Satoh M, Reeves WH, Small D.Recombinant 52 kD Ro (SSA) ELISA detects autoantibodies inSjogren's syndrome sera that go undetected by conventional sero-logic assays. J Rheumatol, 1997. 24:860一866 McCauliffe DP, Yin H, Wang LX, Lucas L. Autoimmunesera react with multiple epitopes on recombinant 52 and 60 kD Ro(SSA) proteins. J Rheumatol, 1994. 21:1073一1080 McCauliffe DP. Cutaneous diseases in adults associated withanti-Ro/SS-A autoantibody production. Lupus, 1997. 6:158一166 McCauliffe DP. Neonatal lupus erythematosus: a transpla-centally acquired autoimmune disorder. Semin Dermatol, 1995.14:47一53 McNeilage LJ, Youngchaiyud U, Whittingham S. Racialdifferences in antinuclear antibody patterns and clinical manifesta-tions of scleroderma. Arthritis Rheum, 1989. 32:54一60 Medsger TA. Systemic sclerosis(scleroderma ),localizedforms of scleroderma, and calcinosis. In: McCarty DJ, KoopmanWJ,editors. Arthritis and Allied Conditions. Philadelphia: Lea&Febiger, 1993: 1253一1292 Metcalf JV, Mitchison HC, Palmer JM, Jones DE,Bassendine MF, James OFW. Natural history of early primarybiliary cirrhosis. Lancet, 1996. 348:1399一1402 Miller FW, Twitty SA, Biswas T, Plotz PH. Origin andregulation of a disease-specific autoantibody response. Antigenicepitopes, spectrotype stability, and isotype restriction of anti-Jo-1autoantibodies. J Clin Invest, 1990. 85:468一475 Miller FW, Waite KA, Biswas T, Plotz PH. The role of anautoantigen, histidyl-tRNA synthetase, in the induction andmaintenance of autoimmunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1990.87:9933一9937 Mimori T, Akizuki M, Yamagata H, Inada S, Yoshida S,Homma M. Characterization of a high molecular weight acidic nu-clear protein recognized by autoantibodies from patients withpolymyositis-scleroderma overlap. J Clin Invest, 1981. 68:611一620 Mimori T, Hardin JA, Steitz JA. Characterization of theDNA-binding protein antigen Ku recognized by autoantibodiesfrom patients with rheumatic disorders. J Biol Chem, 1986.261:2274一2278 Miranda-Carus ME, Askanase AD, Clancy RM, di DonatoF, Chou TM, Libera MR et al. Anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/Laautoantibodies bind the surface of apoptotic fetal cardiocytes andpromote secretion of TNF-alpha by macrophages. J Immunol,2000. 165(9) :5345一5351 Mitchison HC, Lucey MR, Kelly巧,Neuberger JM,Williams R, James OFW. Symptom development and prognosisin primary biliary cirrhosis: a study in two centers. Gastroen-terology, 1990. 99:778一784 Miyachi K, Fritzler MJ, Tan EM. Autoantibody to a nucle-ar antigen in proliferating cells. J Immunol, 1978. 121:2228一2ctive with retroviral p30gag antigen. Cell, 1987. 51:211一220 Raz E, Brezis M, Rosenmann E, Eilat D. Anti-DNA anti-bodies bind directly to renal antigens and induce kidney dysfunc-tion in the isolated perfused rat kidney. J Immunol, 1989. 142:3076一3082 Reeves WH, Chaudhary N, Salerno A, Blobel G. Lamin Bautoantibodies in sera of certain patients with systemic lupus ery-thematosus. J Exp Med, 1987. 165:750一762 Reeves WH, Fisher DE, Lahita RG, Kunkel HG. Autoim-mune sera reactive with Sm antigen contain high levels of RNP-like antibodies. J Clin Invest, 1985. 75:580一587 Reeves WH, Nigam SK,Blobel G. Human autoantibodiesreactive with the signal recognition particle. Proc Natl Acad SciUSA, 1986. 83:9507一9511 Reeves WH, Satoh M, McCauliffe DP. Autoantibody test-ing by non-FITC methods. In: Rose NR, Hamilton RG, DetrickB, editors. Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology. Washington, DC二American Society of Microbiology Press, 2002: 933一950 Reeves WH, Satoh M. Autoantibodies in systemic lupuserythematosus. In: Koopman WJ, editor. Arthritis and AlliedConditions. A Textbook of Rheumatology. Philadelphia: Lippin-cott Williams&Wilkins, 2001:1480一1502 Reeves WH, Wang J, Ajmani AK, Stojanov L, Satoh M.The Ku Autoantigen. In: Zanetti M, Capra JD, editors. TheAntibodies. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997:33一84 Reeves WH. Use of monoclonal antibodies for the character-ization of novel DNA-binding proteins recognized by human au-toimmune sera. J Exp Med, 1985. 161:18一39 Reichlin M, Brucato A, Frank MB, Maddison PJ, McCub-bin VR, Wolfson-Reichlin M et al. Concentration of autoantibod-ies to native 60-kd Ro/SS-A and denatured 52-kd Ro/SS-A ineluates from the heart of a child who died with congenital com-plete heart block. Arthritis Rheum, 1994. 3700:1698一1703 Reimer G, Rose KM, Scheer U, Tan EM. Autoantibody toRNA polymerase I in scleroderma sera. J Clin Invest, 1987. 79:65一72 Reimer G, Steen VD, Penning CA, Medsger TA, TanEM. Correlates between autoantibodies to nucleolar antigens andclinical features in patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma).Arthritis Rheum, 1988. 31:525一532 Reveille JD, Durban E, Goldstein R, Moreda R, ArnettFC. Racial differences in the frequencies of scleroderma-relatedautoantibodies. Arthritis Rheum, 1992. 35:216一218 RinkeJ, Steitz JA. Precursor molecules of both human 5Sribosomal RNA and transfer RNAs are bound by a cellular proteinreactive with anti-La lupus antibodies. Cell, 1982. 29:149一159 Robinson CP, Brayer J, Yamachika S, Esch TR, Peck AB,Stewart CA et al. Transfer of human serum IgG to nonobese dia-betic Igmu null mice reveals a role for autoantibodies in the loss ofsecretory function of exocrine tissues in Sjogren 's syndrome. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA, 1998. 95(13):7538一7543 Rosenberg AM, Semchuk KM, McDuffie HH, LedinghamDL, Cordeiro DM, Cessna习 et al. Prevalence of antinuclear an-tibodies in a rural population. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 1999.57(4):225一236 Rothfield NF, Stollar BD. The relation of immunoglobulinclass, pattern of anti-nuclear antibody, and complement-fixingantibodies to DNA in sera from patients with systemic lupus ery-thematosus. J Clin Invest, 1967. 46:1785一1794 Rothfield NF. Autoantibodies in scleroderma. Rheum DisClin North Am, 1992. 18:483一498 Rothfield NF. Autoantibodies to scleroderma-associated anti-gens. Invan Venrooij WJ, Maini RN, editors. Manual of Bio-logical Markers of Disease. Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Pub-lishers, 1996: 1一7 Rozman B, Boric B, Kos-Golja M, Plesivcnik-Novljan M,Kveder T. Immunoserological aspects of idiopathic inflammatorymuscle disease. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 2000. 112 (15一16):722一727 Rubin RL, Burlingame RW, Arnott JE, Totoritis MC, Mc-Nally EM, Johnson AD. IgG but not other classes of anti-[ (H2A-H2B)-DNA] is an early sign of procainamide-induced lu-pus. J Immunol, 1995. 154:2483一2493 Rubin RL. Hsstone (1-12A-H2B)-DNA autoantibodies. In Peter JB, Shoenfeld Y, editors. Autoantibodies. Amsterdam:Elsevier Science, 1996: 364一372 Rumore PM, Steinman CR. Endogenous circulating DNA insystemic lupus erythematosus: occurrence as multimeric complex-es bound to histone. J Clin Invest, 1990. 86:69一74 Sabbaga J, Line SRP, Potocnjak P, Madaio MP. A murinenephritogenic monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibody binds directly tomouse laminin, the major non-collagenous protein component ofthe glomerular basement membrane. Eur J Immunol, 1989. 19:137一143 Salmon JE, Millard S, Schachter LA, Arnett FC GinzlerEM, Gourley MF et al. Fc gamma RIIA alleles are heritable riskfactors for lupus nephritis in African Americans. J Clin Invest,1996. 97:1348一1354 Satoh M, Ajmani AK, Ogasawara T, Langdon JJ, HirakataM, Wang J et al. Autoantibodies to RNA polymerase II are com-mon in systemic lupus erythematosus and overlap syndrome. Spe-cific recognition of the phosphorylated (110) form by a subset of234 Miyachi K, Tan EM. Antibodies reacting with ribosomal ri-bonucleoprotein in connective tissue diseases. Arthritis Rheum,ctive with retroviral p30gag antigen. Cell, 1987. 51:211一220 Raz E, Brezis M, Rosenmann E, Eilat D. Anti-DNA anti-bodies bind directly to renal antigens and induce kidney dysfunc-tion in the isolated perfused rat kidney. J Immunol, 1989. 142:3076一3082 Reeves WH, Chaudhary N, Salerno A, Blobel G. Lamin Bautoantibodies in sera of certain patients with systemic lupus ery-thematosus. J Exp Med, 1987. 165:750一762 Reeves WH, Fisher DE, Lahita RG, Kunkel HG. Autoim-mune sera reactive with Sm antigen contain high levels of RNP-like antibodies. J Clin Invest, 1985. 75:580一587 Reeves WH, Nigam SK,Blobel G. Human autoantibodiesreactive with the signal recognition particle. Proc Natl Acad SciUSA, 1986. 83:9507一9511 Reeves WH, Satoh M, McCauliffe DP. Autoantibody test-ing by non-FITC methods. In: Rose NR, Hamilton RG, DetrickB, editors. Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology. Washington, DC二American Society of Microbiology Press, 2002: 933一950 Reeves WH, Satoh M. Autoantibodies in systemic lupuserythematosus. In: Koopman WJ, editor. Arthritis and AlliedConditions. A Textbook of Rheumatology. Philadelphia: Lippin-cott Williams&Wilkins, 2001:1480一1502 Reeves WH, Wang J, Ajmani AK, Stojanov L, Satoh M.The Ku Autoantigen. In: Zanetti M, Capra JD, editors. TheAntibodies. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997:33一84 Reeves WH. Use of monoclonal antibodies for the character-ization of novel DNA-binding proteins recognized by human au-toimmune sera. J Exp Med, 1985. 161:18一39 Reichlin M, Brucato A, Frank MB, Maddison PJ, McCub-bin VR, Wolfson-Reichlin M et al. Concentration of autoantibod-ies to native 60-kd Ro/SS-A and denatured 52-kd Ro/SS-A ineluates from the heart of a child who died with congenital com-plete heart block. Arthritis Rheum, 1994. 3700:1698一1703 Reimer G, Rose KM, Scheer U, Tan EM. Autoantibody toRNA polymerase I in scleroderma sera. J Clin Invest, 1987. 79:65一72 Reimer G, Steen VD, Penning CA, Medsger TA, TanEM. Correlates between autoantibodies to nucleolar antigens andclinical features in patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma).Arthritis Rheum, 1988. 31:525一532 Reveille JD, Durban E, Goldstein R, Moreda R, ArnettFC. Racial differences in the frequencies of scleroderma-relatedautoantibodies. Arthritis Rheum, 1992. 35:216一218 RinkeJ, Steitz JA. Precursor molecules of both human 5Sribosomal RNA and transfer RNAs are bound by a cellular proteinreactive with anti-La lupus antibodies. Cell, 1982. 29:149一159 Robinson CP, Brayer J, Yamachika S, Esch TR, Peck AB,Stewart CA et al. Transfer of human serum IgG to nonobese dia-betic Igmu null mice reveals a role for autoantibodies in the loss ofsecretory function of exocrine tissues in Sjogren 's syndrome. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA, 1998. 95(13):7538一7543 Rosenberg AM, Semchuk KM, McDuffie HH, LedinghamDL, Cordeiro DM, Cessna习 et al. Prevalence of antinuclear an-tibodies in a rural population. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 1999.57(4):225一236 Rothfield NF, Stollar BD. The relation of immunoglobulinclass, pattern of anti-nuclear antibody, and complement-fixingantibodies to DNA in sera from patients with systemic lupus ery-thematosus. J Clin Invest, 1967. 46:1785一1794 Rothfield NF. Autoantibodies in scleroderma. Rheum DisClin North Am, 1992. 18:483一498 Rothfield NF. Autoantibodies to scleroderma-associated anti-gens. In: van Venrooij WJ, Maini RN, editors. Manual of Bio-logical Markers of Disease. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub-lishers, 1996: 1一7 Rozman B, Boric B, Kos-Golja M, Plesivcnik-Novljan M,Kveder T. Immunoserological aspects of idiopathic inflammatorymuscle disease. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 2000. 112 (15一16):722一727 Rubin RL, Burlingame RW, Arnott JE, Totoritis MC, Mc-Nally EM, Johnson AD. 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