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楼主: 为了老婆


发表于 2010-2-26 13:04:38 | 显示全部楼层


        这份报告来自于Johns Hopkins大学,也是得到关节炎基金会资助的一个研究项目。研究者将30位成年RA患者分为两组:研究组参加为期8周的瑜伽练习,对照组则不做此锻炼。研究组每周参加2次、每次1小时的瑜伽课程,并被要求在家里也得练习。在课程中,传统的瑜伽姿势、呼吸方法和放松、冥想技巧,都进行了改良,以适应RA患者因病导致关节活动受限的情况。


        关节炎基金会的代表Steffany Haaz女士称,他们曾报道过瑜伽能使人们感觉更好,而且,他们想确证瑜伽是否对关节炎患者的关节有害。现在,他们很高兴地发现,实际上,瑜伽不但无害,还能改善RA患者的关节症状。接下来的问题就是要去研究瑜伽为何对关节炎有好处,是如何发生作用的。这将需要做更多方面的研究。


Yoga Helpful For People With Rheumatoid Arthritis


A program of yoga poses, breathing and relaxation significantly reduces joint tenderness and swelling for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), according to research funded in part by the Arthritis Foundation and presented this week at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in San Francisco.

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore randomly divided a group of 30 sedentary adults with RA into two groups: one group participated in an eight-week program of yoga and the other was put on a waiting list and served as the control. Those in the yoga group took two one-hour classes per week and were instructed to practice at home as well. Traditional yoga poses were modified as needed to accommodate for limitations due to RA. Also included in the sessions were deep breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques.

The research team found that those who participated in eight weeks of yoga classes had significantly fewer tender and swollen joints than they did before starting class. Those in the waitlist control group saw no significant changes in their tender and swollen joint counts.

Arthritis Foundation grant recipient Steffany Haaz, MFA, says, "We have previously reported that yoga helps people to feel better, and we wanted to make sure it wasn't harmful to arthritic joints. So, we were glad to find that there actually seems to be improvement in joint symptoms for RA patients. The next big question is figuring out how and why yoga might be having this effect, since it is such a multi-faceted activity."

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